Today it is possible to get a personal loan online, that is, directly through your computer without leaving home. This convenience has made this type of service more accessible to people.
After all, there is no bureaucracy and everything can be done over the Internet. However, some people are not able to evaluate if the loan is worth it for the moment they are living. The unexpected can happen and leave many people terrified. Several situations can fall under this heading.
For example, your car is your means of work and it has just broken down. To take it to the mechanic, you will need to spend a lot of money.
Positive Points | Negative Points |
Easy, simple and fast to get your loan | Proof of employment is required for loan release |
One of the highest approval rates in the market | Proof of residency is required |
Without an emergency reserve, a loan becomes the salvation of this problem. This can also happen with a health problem, an unexpected trip, and more. In any case, it is important to be careful. The wrong choice of loan can make it difficult to pay all the instalments.
The loan can be a great alternative for people who have debts with higher interest rates. The idea is to switch from a more expensive debt to a cheaper one.
This way you pay off the outstanding high-interest debt and are left with only the personal loan installments. Each financial institution has different requirements for authorizing the operation. Therefore, it is necessary to find out more on each site.
Traditional banks usually require you to have a current account. They may even offer pre-approved personal loans. In this case, you just go to the bank's ATM, internet banking, or application and borrow the desired amount.
To be sure that the loan will be the best solution for your situation, do a simulation on the financial institution's website before closing the service contract.
This step is important, because it allows you to understand some points. For example, how many installments will be necessary to pay the amount, without disturbing your budget.
Benefits | |
Ease of ordering
Has one of the easiest loan applications on the market |
Approval rate
Has one of the highest approval rates |
High value
High amount of personal loans |
Fast release
In less than 24 hours it is possible to receive the amount requested |
Remember that, in most cases, the larger the number of installments, the higher the interest you will have to pay. So get to know a little more about the Eastern Bank Personal Loan.
Interest Rates
The interest rates of the personal loan Eastern Bank, can vary from 7.99% to 16.99%, matching the lowest rates of the personal loan market in the country.
This way the applicant has one of the best rates in the segment, so click on the button below and request yours.
I Want My LoanQuick application
The application for the Eastern Bank Personal Loan, takes only a few minutes and also has a quick release of any amount requested.
Amounts and terms
The Eastern Bank Personal Loan amounts range from $2,000 to $25,000, and can be requested as early as the first application. Moreover the terms of payment can be up to 60 months, ideal for those who need a little more time to get reorganized.
So if you need money, click the button below and apply for your loan.
I Want My Loan