First Tech Personal Loan

3 min of reading

By Romina Martínez

A personal loan is a lump sum loan distributed as a fixed amount. Most people take out personal loans to make a large purchase, pay medical bills, or consolidate debt.

Unlike a secured loan to buy a house or a car, personal loans are "unsecured". Unsecured loans are offered with no collateral attached, giving you more flexibility in how you spend the money.

If you want to get a personal loan, you will need to fill out an application and wait for approval a process that can take a few hours or days.

Positive Points Negative Points
Up to 84 months to pay off your installments You must be of legal age to apply for a loan
No fees added to the amount requested from the institution In addition to personal documents, it is necessary to present proof of residence and income

Once you are approved, the lender will disburse money into your bank account and you will use the funds for your intended purpose.

Throughout the term of the loan, your lender will likely report your account activity to the credit bureaus. Making timely payments can help you build a positive credit history.

One big advantage of personal loans is that you can use the loan proceeds as you wish. This makes personal loans incredibly diverse and flexible.

If you are ready to apply for a personal loan, follow a few steps, as a higher credit score will increase your chances of being approved for a personal loan with the best rates and terms. Pay off your debts if you can, and with a lower debt to income ratio you can qualify for a loan with good terms.

Get quotes from several lenders. Once your finances are in order, get loan quotes from several lenders; it is important to know your lender or the institution that will provide your loan.

This institution needs to have values such as safety, credibility and transparency so that the applicant is assured of good service. First Tech offers not only these but also many other values; it has been operating in the financial market for years, participating in many histories and making dreams and goals come true.

It has one of the highest approval rates of the segment
Credit history
The credit history is not checked at the time of enrollment
Client Security
Has one of the most recognized customer security models in the country
Payment terms
Payment term of up to 84 months

In this article we will show you which are the best benefits that the institution deserves and why it will be your best option.

Zero Fees

This institution's fees are zero, with no registration fees and no penalty fees, ensuring greater peace of mind for the applicant. These and other concessions are offered to the applicant, click on the button below and check more.

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More time

First Tech grants the applicants a period of 45 days for the first payment, that is, even if the amount is already debited in your account, you will only pay the first installment after a certain period of time.

Extended time frame

The institution offers long terms for the payment of your installments, up to 84 months to pay off your debt, one of the longest terms in the financial market. All these concessions are a guarantee of transparency and care to make your personal loan decision a differentiated experience for you, if your interests correspond to these concessions, click on the button below and guarantee.

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